" Embracing the potential of electrocatalysis in concert with state-of-the-art strategies, broadens horizons in oxygen activation and establishes sustainable reductive conditions for oxygenation of organic compounds, promising a more sustainable future. "
Ireneusz Tomczyk
MiEl Doctoral Candidate

About my academic career

About my thesis - Electrochemical detection and conversion of small molecules

The activation of oxygen emerges as a prospective approach to prevailing economic challenges, given the pivotal role of oxygenation and halogenation reactions in the chemical industry. Present oxidation methodologies frequently require the use of harmful chemical oxidants or necessitate the application of extreme temperature and pressure conditions in conjunction with noble metal catalysts. 

In recent years, the Laboratory of Molecular Electrochemistry has developed an innovative approach for performing mild oxidation reactions, inspired by the mechanisms observed in metalloenzymes.

This methodology combines synthetic, spectroscopic, and electrochemical techniques to mimic the catalytic functions of these enzymes. As a result, they have successfully applied this approach to carry out electrocatalytic oxygenation and chlorination of cyclooctene.  

The current project is primarily focused on the further development of this methodology. Specifically, our goal is to broaden its applicability and to transfer it to green solvent solutions (e.g. water) and liquid/solid interfaces through the grafting of the catalyst onto a conductive system.