Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Computational Physics
Country: Switzerland
Address: Technikumstrasse 71, CH-8400 Winterthur
Homepage: www.zhaw.ch

phone: +41 58 934 6989
»We would like to develop computational tools and model-based characterization services to address coupled transport phenomena and electrochemical reactions on different length scales along the value chain of product development.«
The Institute of Computational Physics is working on the modelling and simulation of electrochemical flow cells (e.g. fuel cells, redox flow batteries, hydrogen production). We combine modelling and simulation with experimental work; therefore, we collaborate with partners from industry and academia.

Main tasks/responsibilities in MiEl
ZHAW is leading the work package on mathematical modelling and numerical simulation on different scales. This includes the modelling of porous electrodes, mesoscale modelling, and continuum scale flow cell modelling.